Business Services

Focus, First and Foremost

We ensure that any business change programme is rooted in clearly defined business goals from the start. We successfully deliver the following services to our clients.

Business Goal Validation

Working with your senior management, we ensure that the change programme is directed toward defined and measurable business goals within a corporate strategic framework. Each goal is measured by comparing a current state with a future state, for example, a 50% increase on sales revenue in two years.  The business goal statements will define the top level key performance indicators (KPIs) for the programme.

Business Initiative Construction and Validation

Working with you, we develop initiatives to ensure each goal is achieved, eg “We will let our customers purchase on-line.” We also examine other initiatives in your sector. Typically, these would be: 

  • Regulatory – a legislative body applying additional compliances to trading;
  • De-regulatory – a legislative body removing compliances to allow market innovation;
  • Non-regulatory standards harmonisation – one or more commercial parties in a sector joining forces to standardise on products, services or protocols in order for all parties to increase sales.

Business Initiative Execution

Successful execution of a business initiative is one of the critical success factors (CSFs) for your programme. Working with you, we actively explore alternatives to achieve business value. For example:

  • Process improvement activities, for example by reducing waste or duplication;
  • Automation of selected processes by or more of the following:
    • Reuse of existing software from a previous project;
    • Construction of software from scratch;
    • Buying and integrating a software product;
    • Using a third-party, on-demand service.

Business Process Construction, Review and Improvement

Both current (“as-is”) and future (“to-be”) processes can be modelled to understand the interactions between systems and people. The difference between the current and future states may be large particularly with programmes involving dramatic organisational change simultaneous with complex systems’ integration. In addition, we can ensure that process improvement can be maintained in the long-term by our business process management techniques.

Systems' Interaction Review and Design

We ensure that the people/system and system/system interactions in the business process are correctly defined. This is the point at which the boundaries for an IT project are established and the requirements and test criteria are defined, designed and implemented using best-practice techniques.

Review and Validation

We review your current technical and commercial capabilities and any

constraints that are likely to impact the current programme are
identified and an improvement action plan implemented. We find that the
contractual issues are more likely to be the root cause of delivery
problems than any other single factor.

Each of our services offers flexibility, and may not be purely
sequential. For example, the feature-set of a bought-in software product
will affect both the “to-be” business process and also the system
interaction definitions.